Errors on your forms?
If you notice an issue with your tax forms, please complete the Request to Correct or Dispute Tax Forms. We will research your case within 60 days of receiving your dispute and send you corrected tax forms if necessary. If you need assistance with completing your request or have questions on the dispute form, please contact our service center at (800) 300-1506.
Keep in mind that sometimes an IRS Form 1095-A might look incorrect but not have a mistake. For example, if you didn't pay your monthly premium and your health or dental plan ended, then a "0" will appear for each month you did not pay. This will happen even if you got financial help listed in Coverage Information section, Column C (on both forms) during those months.
It’s also possible that your tax form shows that you did not get any financial help during the year. If so, the Coverage Information section, Column C, will be blank or have all zeroes. This could happen because you did not apply for financial help or you did not qualify when you first applied. For example, your income did not meet the program rules, or you were eligible for other health insurance.
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